Looking for Natural Relief from pain?
Need to Ease Stress & Anxiety?
Massage WoRx is here to help!
If you’re searching for real relief from chronic or sudden pain, stress, or tension, Massage WoRx is dedicated to helping you feel your best.
Did you know?
Regularly scheduled massages can provide lasting relief from chronic pain, including:
- Neck, back, shoulder, arm, and leg pain
- Chronic headaches, migraines, and whiplash
- TMJD, sciatica, fibromyalgia, lupus, and arthritis
- Pain from cancer treatments
- Relief from frozen shoulder, and plantar fasciitis
- Scar tissue discomfort and more!
Massage therapy is more than just relaxation—it’s an investment in your well-being. Many of our clients experience long-term relief and improved quality of life through consistent massage care.
Find out how massage can help you - feel better than ever.
Click here to read recent reviews.

Massage WoRx is located in Northwest Arkansas on Hwy 62 (Main Street) in Farmington, Arkansas.
Massage WoRx conveniently located in Farmington, betweem Fayetteville, Arkansas & Prairie Grove, Arkansas. Massage WoRx is 4 miles west of I-49 & MLK Blvd, near the University of Arkansas.